Plans and strategies
Fokus ry’s environment strategy and guidance
Fokus ry pledges to take the environment into consideration in all of its activities and sustainable development’s principles are present in our activities. The subject association’s role as a consumer and an influencer are seen as a possibility to operate ecologically and as a positive example. The environment is taken into consideration in both the environmental strategy and in the yearly action plan. Every board of Fokus ry as well as its event organizers read through the strategy and commit to it. In addition, Fokus ry participates in JYY’s environment competition every year. Every year someone from the board (member of board or official) is nominated to be responsible for environment issues.
As a subject association for social scientists, Fokus ry has a great opportunity to actively operate according to environmentally friendly values and guide its members to do the same. This means that Fokus ry can be on the cutting edge of ecological activities and thinking.
Fokus ry pledges to the concrete actions mentioned below.
Event locations are mainly reachable by foot, bike or public transport. If the location is further away, one can travel there by public transportation or carpool.
Fokus’ own goods are utilized in event organizing or when needed goods are borrowed from lending list. Reusable dishes and cutlery are used whenever possible. Goods can be also borrowed from JYY ( Goods in public places and their usability should be taken into consideration in event organizing (for example board games in cafés and bars).
Recycling information is distributed to event participants and are taken into account in event organization. Events’ themes are invented in a way that enables the recycling of old clothes and goods for events’ participation. Themes should avoid the need to buy anything new. Events must not cause any damage to or leave any marks to the event location, which means waste is gathered away from the location.
Meetings should be organized in spaces where it is possible to utilize information technology to show agendas. Good spaces for that are, for example, the Lea Pulkkinen hall and lecture halls of Agora and Liikunta. Printed material is to be avoided as much as possible. Environmentally friendly options must be taken into account in meeting’s servings.
Servings and purchases
Environmentally friendly options are taken into account in all servings, which means favouring vegetarian and vegan food. In events, like sitsfests, vegetarian option can be the main serving option. Organic and Fair Trade products are favoured in serving.
When purchasing products, environmentally friendly alternatives are favoured altogether. The subject association does not purchase disposable products. Fokus ry’s members and other subject associations can utilize our goods (like reusable dishes and cutlery and board games).
Fokus ry recycles in all of its events. Ideally, recycling should be possible at the venue. However, bringing waste with you and recycling afterwards is not hard, which is why recycling should be favoured in all events. A good starting point for recycling is to recycle biowaste, paper, cardboard, glass and metal.
Environment representative
One person from the board or officials should be nominated to be responsible for environmental issues. The environmental representative’s responsibilities can be merged to another task in the board.
It is recommended that the representative attends every meeting of the subcommittee for environmental affairs and informs our members about environmental affairs, for example environmentally themed events. The environmental representative takes care that the board becomes familiar with the environmental strategy and that members are informed about JYY’s environment guide at least once a year. The environment representative also updates Fokus’ environmental strategy as needed. All in all, the representative takes care that ecological customs and their realization are familiar to the board members.
It is recommended that the event coordinators get acquainted with the lending list and that Fokus’ products can be easily loaned from the lending list.
In the future, Fokus ry has established ecological customs and thinking as an inseparable part of the subject association. Fokus ry influences and encourages other agents and private persons to take environment into consideration. By example, Fokus ry shows that being ecological does not require miracles. Fokus ry also invests in products that last long and can be utilized by many people (for example sport equipment).
Strategy is composed in 11/2015 by the environmental representative of 2015.
The Equality Plan of Fokus ry
1 Introduction
The equality plan of Fokus ry is based on the legislation and on the values of Fokus ry. The board of Fokus has made this equality plan in 2019. The purpose of this plan is to create equal basis to the subject association for social sciences in University of Jyväskylä: Fokus ry’s action. Fokus ry has made an equality survey in early 2019 for its members. The results of this survey have been taken into account when making the equality plan.
2 Equality
The Constitution of Finland (731/1999, 6§) says that: ”No one shall, without an acceptable reason, be treated differently from other persons on the ground of sex, age, origin, language, religion, conviction, opinion, health, disability or other reason that concerns his or her person.” Non-discrimination Act forbids discrimination (1325/2014, 8§) and the purpose of the Act on Equality between Women and Men (1329/2014) is to improve equality between men and women as well as prevent discrimination based on gender identity or gender expression (1329/2014).
The equality plan of The Student Union of the University of Jyväskylä 2019-2023 has defined equality as follows: ”Equality is a fundamental right. As an umbrella term, it refers to equality between all people, regardless of sex, origin, nationality, language, religion and beliefs, opinions, political or trade union activities, family relations, disabilities, health condition, sexual orientation or other personal characteristics.”
3 Equality in the Action of Fokus ry
Fokus ry is committed to follow the instructions of the equality plan in all its activities. Gender, sexual orientation, ethnic background, age, religion, health condition, belief or any other personal characteristic shouldn’t affect anyone’s possibilities to be a part of Fokus ry’s action or to the experience of belonging to the subject association.
3.1 Events
Fokus ry takes to notice accessibility of the place or the area of the event and informing about it. If an event is organized in a place which is not accessible for everyone, it needs to be mentioned in the description of the event. Fokus ry tries to take into notice all of its members while organizing events. This means that Fokus ry will organize diverse events that are suitable for all members equally. Fokus ry takes into notice the students from different fields, new and older members as well as the different interests of the members. The organizers of the events try to take the wishes of the members into consideration. The participation for Fokus ry’s events should be possible regardless of the language of the participant.
Drinking alcohol is never mandatory in events like sitsfest, fresher bash or any other occasion which includes alcohol. There must always be an alcoholic-free option. All events are easily approachable, and no one has to do or participate into anything they don’t want to. If sauna is included in an event, there needs to be separate turns for women, men and one mixed turn. Special diets are taken into account if the event includes food. The members of Fokus ry are given priority to participate to events with a limited number of participants.
One of the members of Fokus ry’s board is always responsible for the event. This person should always be mentioned in the description of the event. This way members can contact him/her if needed.
3.2. Communication and information
The communication of Fokus ry should be open and it is required to happen in many different ways.
It is possible to give feedback to Fokus ry through the feedback form or directly to any member of the board. The board introduces itself to new students and is easily accessible. The contact information of board members can be found on Fokus ry’s website.
Some of the events are only intended for specific members of Fokus ry. In this case, this information must always be mentioned in the description of the event. Any possible prices of the events need to be mentioned in the description as well. In some events the members of Fokus ry will be able to attend the event at a lower cost and this should also be mentioned in the description of the event.
3.3 Internationality
Fokus ry tries to take the international students into account as well as possible. The main information in the description of the event needs to be written also in English. Some of the events are entirely in Finnish which is good to mention in the description. Different religions and ethnic backgrounds are taken into consideration when making the events. This can be seen, for example, in the selection of food and in tolerant atmosphere. The activities are informed to international students. Multiple nationalities and local knowledge are factored in communication.
3.4 Functioning in the board of Fokus ry
The members of the board are informed of the equality plan and will follow it. In the board of Fokus ry everyone has a right to express their opinion. Communication of the board should be open and everyone should have equal access to important information.
4 Bullying and Harassment
Fokus ry does not accept or tolerate bullying, discrimination, harassment or any other inappropriate behaviour at its events and wants to work towards a safe and comfortable university community. If some of the members of Fokus ry feel they have been bullied, they should be in touch with the Harassment Contact Persons of the Student Union. The Student Union has two Harassment Contact Persons who can help and support students in any situations that include harassment or other inappropriate behaviour, for example bullying. Members can also get help from Fokus ry’s Coordinator of Social Affairs. All the information shared is confidential.
Contact one or more of the following in situations that include bullying or harassment:
Fokus ry’s Coordinator of Social Affairs
5 Accessibility
Fokus ry is committed to take into account the equality and diversity of people. Every member of Fokus ry has the right to participate in the activities of Fokus ry. Student’s sex, religion, sexual orientation, disability or any other feature can’t be an obstacle. Contact Fokus ry’s Coordinator of Social Affairs or to Tuula Maijanen who is responsible for of the accessibility of the University of Jyväskylä: if you encounter anything like this.
6 Following and Evaluating the Equality Plan
Feedback of Fokus ry’s equality can be given through the feedback form or contacting Fokus ry’s Coordinator of Social Affairs or any other member of the board. The equality plan will be developed if needed. Observing the equality plan is the responsibility of the Coordinator of Social Affairs and following it is the responsibility of the whole board. The plan is readable to all members and is available in Finnish and English.
The continuity of the equality plan is maintained. The next Coordinator of Social Affairs will refine and update the equality plan as well as the next board will make itself familiar with the plan and follow it. Equality surveys will be made to the members and if necessary, the results will help to develop the equality plan.
The equality plan is accepted in the gathering of Fokus ry’s board on 25.9.2019.